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Soul Journey

Human Design is a wonderful way to gain insight into our true selves and navigate life's journey with more confidence and clarity.

"The thing I love the most about human design is how much permission it grants people to be imperfect. It reminds us that we are all unique individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses, and that's okay."

"It's given me a deeper understanding of my unique qualities and how to use them to live a more fulfilling life. It also helps me appreciate the unique qualities of those closest to me"

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 Tracy Ko

 (Photo credit: Jessica Magazine)

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a powerful tool that helps us understand our unique energetic blueprint. It guides us in making decisions, building deeper connections with others, and aligning with our purpose in life. By understanding our individual wiring, we can unlock our full potential, communicate and collaborate more effectively and find our way back when we feel lost.

One of the beautiful things about Human Design is that it doesn't require us to change who we are. Instead, it encourages us to embrace our true selves and let go of societal expectations. When we give ourselves permission to be authentic, life becomes more fulfilling and less of a struggle.

What people say

I enjoyed the session because first of all, the information that she gave me described my experience 100%. She didn't tell me anything that made me think, Naaaah, that's not me. She was very accurate. She even told me the things that I'm currently working on with precision.

Crystal Lynn Bell

Founder of Spiritcentric and Crystal Lynn Bell

Just had an amazing Skype consultation withTracy Ko. To everyone, I highly recommend her. Everything that she said resonated with me so well. It's a brilliant way to discover more about yourself and feel in tune. Also, thank you Crystal Lynn Bell, it was on your recommendation that I tried it and it was worth every word of it!.Lots of love and light to you, Tracy

Sharmishtha Samal

After decades of Spiritual practice and self searching, the Awareness tool of Human Design was like the last piece in a puzzle. The first reading I received opened the door to self and other understanding that only increases with every additional reading and learning. If you are searching for self acceptance and love, when you found Human Design, you have found the map, tool kit, and flashlight. 

Sharon Kershner Waimanalo

Love ambassador


慶幸找了Tracy為我做個人解讀分析,我未曾讀過Human design,只是偶而閱讀她的blog。在解釋過程,她會舉例一些簡單例子令我較易明白,當然需要時間消化,所以她都會錄下整個解說過程,日後我就可以再回顧或許會從中獲得更多。從她的解讀,我看到自己更多可能性,能夠做回的自己。正如她解說, 我遇到嘅人就像命中註定的一樣, 遇到Tracy的確啟發了我一些未曾想過的事,對自己亦多了一份肯定

Mei Mei



It was an inspiring consultation with Tracy to understand our children’s human design chart! With detailed explanations and concrete examples on how to guide our little ones, we got much more insight into nurturing our kids.

Odelia Lia

Tracy’s human design reading let me understood the reasons behind my habit, thinking and what happened in the past. More importantly, this empowered me to go to the direction which I intuitively knew, but I hesitated, to take the challenge with full of unknowns and possibilities, to continue to complete my life goal as indicated by the reading. My deep gratitude to Tracy and recommend to someone who want to know the life mission and how you can achieve it!

Carmen Fung

Tracy has opened a new door of insight for me to reflect my life and life of others through Human Design. it's an absolutely great tool for you to relocate your standpoints in life and Tracy Ko as the instructor will walk you through the decoding process, awaking your inner potentials and re-distributing the energy into a better use!

Lo Ka Shing

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Tracy Ko是一位資深的工作者,在圖解方面極為詳細,並能在生活當中加入適當的分析,建議可行及具效用。

Carmen Chung

Tracy解釋得好詳細, 佢會用好多實際既例子同問題去幫助我更了解自己既狀況!亦會俾啲建議我點樣可以更清楚了解自己! Highly recommend!

Lyl Lyl


Katri Ng Siu Yin

I have been a student of Human Design since 2013 and do Human Design Readings myself. I have had 2 readings in the past, and Tracy just did a 3rd for me. Even though I practice Human Design, I like to have an objective perspective and get feedback from someone else if I get stuck. Tracy gave me a whole new prospective and some different explanations which were very insightful. She is intuitive, gifted, patient, kind and very knowledgeable. She gave me some good advice on how to leverage my gifts and overcome the challenges. I not only enjoyed our time together, but came away with some new awareness to contemplate. I would highly recommend Tracy to help you see the gifts you have and what you bring to the world.

Kimberly Ann

I recently consulted Tracy Ko for her Human Design Reading service. I have to say, it was excellent and enlightening! She was very empathetic and knowledgeable about the subject, which can seem pretty complex at first glance. She was able to bring the Human Design subject into clarity and made a lot of sense. She even provided practical and useful techniques for bringing out the best qualities of my life, and changing my personal blocks into more ideal circumstances. Tangible applications are important to me when it comes to self work, and Tracy was able to deliver them. I would highly- recommend anyone to consult Tracy Ko for a Human Design Reading... I look forward to learning more about this system in the future. Thank you so much Tracy, you have my deepest gratitude!                      

Jonathan Baker

After the sessions with Tracy, I learned to have more trust in myself. Tracy is able to explain my innermost desires and frustrations so much better than I can understand me. She explained why I feel a pull towards a certain direction and told me what my strengths/areas of improvement are. Listening to her explaining the strengths I have in my chart was really helpful because I have a tendency to downplay those traits and never considered them as strengths. Tracy helped me understand myself a lot better. If you have a voice in your head that is calling you in a certain direction, trust that there is a reason behind this intuition, and Tracy is the best person to explain this "intangible" feeling to you. You'll find much greater clarity and confidence after speaking to her



Connie Liu

多謝你帶我接觸到human design,我發現每次我有d煩惱就會諗起呢個tool,然後又會好似搵到d hints去行下一步

Mandy Au

Tracy的解釋很詳盡和清晰,讓我更了解自己的強弱項。她也很用心解答我的疑問。跟Tracy 咨詢後,更能令自己放胆接受挑戰!

Etta Chiang


Sam Yip

 Tracy的解讀,讓我更有一種可以看大局了解自己圖的感覺。我自己雖然也有學習人類圖至Rave 123,在學習人類圖的路上,知識的習得不是最難,最難是在實際運用時、以及整合解說。Tracy的方式,更像一個story teller,輕輕的講著一個屬於你的故事。而且Tracy對於問薦骨問題方式以及切入點,常常讓我驚豔,至少對我是很有用的。然後最喜歡她講到我最後一個部分的life purpose那邊,是我學習到目前為止未想過的境界。

Yaxi Huang


Connie Ngai

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Surprisingly accurate and inspiring! Thanks!



Christine Chan

Tracy 的解說非常仔細和深入,在不同閘門的分别和應用非常清楚,讓我覺察到自己的特質。為我來說,Tracy 的解說非常清晰和 Practical !

Alvin Wong


Connie Kwan

聽完Tracy 既解讀,即刻解開我好多內心既疑問,同埋教識我身為Generator如何聆聽到廌骨既聲音真係非常實用,令我可以係不同既角度更了解自己既特質同潛能,非常多謝Tracy既詳盡解讀

Sharon Yuen


Wendalyn Dimas

I recently discovered Human Design online after taking the Clifton Strengths Assessment and found the concept absolutely fascinating. It just made total sense to me. So, I started watching videos on YouTube, subscribed to newsletters and bought the basic myGraphGraph material to get a basic understanding. But I wanted more. I researched HD readings to find someone who I could go deeper with and understand how I could apply HD to my everyday life. That’s when I found Tracy Ko. Her website was inviting and it spoke to my soul. It was simple and elegant and her Advanced Human Design Reading was exactly what I wanted. Since having my reading with Tracy I am crystal clear on how to use my Strategy and Authority in my daily life. The concept of HD moved from theory to practical in a 90 minute session. I thoroughly enjoyed how interactive the reading was. Tracy is so engaging and explains clearly, with examples, how HD applies to your chart. I would definitely recommend working with Tracy and having an Advanced Human Design Reading session, if you’re interested in learning more about HD and how to apply it to your life. It will give you a detailed analysis and clear direction of how HD applies uniquely to you. I’m so excited to move forward experimenting with HD and living a life true to my design.

Janelle W Parallel

I get a better understanding, why I should listen to my sacral center, wait for things coming to our way and make response. Why we have to learn to be more patient with the process, when we feel frustrated. Good news is, we will attract what we need in our life. The universe knows the best than our brain. You get a lot of information from such a reading, and very valuable and useful for one’s whole lifetime. It does benefit me to work on, not wasting time, energy or attention to other’s matter. Which means better mind my own business, I guess  Only help or assist when other people ask for it. It’s true that I have always felt lost /lack of direction in my life. Now I finally believe I have found my right place in this world and can give my contribution in my way to the world, even it might not give me fame or prosperity. I would like to share one story here. After the Kiron return reading, a woman contacted me for private 1-1 Tai Chi lessons, which I’ve never tried it before. Normally, I teach classes. Everything went well, and she got instant relief of her stress level, anxiety, and it gave her physical energy. Now she has sick leave and wants to get well, so she can get back to work. She didn’t expect such a great effect after only one lesson. I am so happy to hear her feedback. My point is, I don’t have to look for my clients or students, the right one will find their way to me. What I do, is, prepare myself and response to their need.

Chi Yin Ho


後來發現想了解他人應該要先了解自己,所以搵咗Tracy幫我解讀,Tracy好有心機幫我解咗自己個圖,亦都俾咗好多意見我點樣去對待自己。教我記得照顧他人嘅同時都要關心自己。學習作為一個生產者,要點樣放啲力起自己想做嘅事身上,唔好盲目消耗體力。以前我好怕向其他人say no,怕對方會唔開心,但係就勉強自己,而家慢慢學會拒絕自己未必想真正想做嘅嘢。而家每一天都輕鬆咗好多,互相保位。

真架!聽完你講圖,第二日呢啱啱有個朋友想我陪佢一齊去上堂,其實嗰樣嘢我都有興趣,但係我知道自己時間上根本安排唔到。如果比着以前嘅我,我一定因為我朋友好想去而我又勉強自己去參加,當日我竟然收咗線之後,再諗完一晚,之後決定say no。我朋友都好愕然,但係對於我來講,好似有一種解脫到嘅感覺

Mandy Chan

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